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Loeloe and Germa Andriol organize together with Karina Feliz and Ninka Brand “Het Vrouwenveld” which will be held on the 25th, 26th and 27th of June in a beautiful location in Drenthe. We have opted for the beautiful “De Uehlensreken” in Uffelte.

An intimate, small-scale event in which connection, fun and enjoyment are central.

A weekend with a field full of women with beautifully inspiring workshops, such as various dance workshops, mindful walking, searching and processing herbs, creative workshops and much more.


A selection of the workshops that are offered:

Sandra Wierenga - Joosten gives a workshop Biodanza, a wonderful way to connect with your authentic feminine power and where we dance the dance of life in deep connection with our body.


Chandana is going to do something beautiful to connect us with our power, more about that later.

Ineke Schaper takes us into nature where we will make an inner journey to discover the magician in ourselves.


Daniëlle Wolters is going to give a workshop on voice liberation. We are going to make our voices heard, straight from the heart. Our voice is made to be heard and in this workshop we will experience our own unique sound without noise on the line.


Saskia Nieboer has been teaching about the medicinal properties of herbs for more than 32 years and she takes us into nature where she teaches us about the beneficial effects of herbs and what you can do with them. We are going to pick something and process it in something tasty.

Keri Mukti invites us to get in touch with our wombs. We will Yoni Steam to settle down and relax followed by Yoni Yoga. With a Yoni egg we will make contact with the muscles in this magical area of creation.

Germa and Loeloe introduce us to the power of the primeval mothers and how we can integrate them into our lives.


In short, having fun, feeling a connection and enjoying. There will also be a nurturing field where nice vintage clothing, massages and other tasty treatments, jewelry, etc. can be found. The interpretation of this field is still in full swing!


Friday evening and Saturday evening there is a joint party program about which more later!

We start on Friday at the end of the afternoon and end on Sunday at 4 p.m.


Various rooms are available on location, and there is also a campsite where you can stand with a tent or camper.


The tickets for this weekend are € 225 if you come camping and € 265 for a double room. There are (limited) single rooms available for € 285.

The ticket price includes accommodation, coffee & tea, sweets and of course attending the workshops.


There is great catering to spoil yourself! For the entire weekend, these costs are around € 55. For this you will receive delicious, very surprising vegan meals.



Tickets will be available in May. Please indicate if you are interested, because full is full! Registrations go through

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